Okay, agian not much to really get excited about here as this was a full day off. First, a view from our room. We arrived yesterday fairly early and ready for relaxation. Carson City is the capital of Nevada but really seems to be struggling business wise as there were quite a few businesses closed down, included a large shopping center anchor called Gottshalks (or something like that). Across the street was a big, new looking hotel casino that has halted consruction, apparently some 9 years ago. Owner's son in some kind of murder thingy, but not a concern of ours.

Sunday night we wandered over to Red's BBQ for a pretty decent dinner. Great decor and 101 beers on tap to choose from. Lee (Choco) if you are reading this, it would be home for you for at least a week or two! They were even so great as to keep my sun glasses that I forgot. As I approached the door, just before opening, a girl came out and said, "you're here for your glasses aren't you? The servers were all commenting that it wash crappy you forgot them." Hey, $13 buck for shades is a big deal!?
Anywho, we just chilled out, had a late breakfast in the hotel, spent several hours planning our route for the coming days, called people in Oregon and warned we'd be passing through, then killed several hours by going to a matinee. It was a choice of District 9 or GI Joe. We chose D9. Quite a wierd movie, shot 1/2 in documentary / Blair Witch style, all about an alien space ship that sets to hover over Johannesburg for 20+ years. Not the best flick to see, but not bad.
Afterwards we figured we'd use our coupons for the casino and spent all of $20 on food, video poker and such. Jeff won around $40 so he's buying breakfast in the morning. Headed to the room and watched a little Bait Car on TV. Some people are just not thinking.
Nice relaxing day off, good night all!
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