What can I say, except we knew today was a short but hot day. How hot? Real Hot! Dam Hot! It was hot, okay. We took off from St. George by 8:15 hitting nothing but slab for 2 hours. Jeff was feeling something funny with his new tires, but after a while they broke in and all was good. We turned off to head down by Lake Mead and Logandale. What lake? It's so dried up that the lady flagger at the construction zone commented that she used to be able to see it from her home but not this year. Dry and drained.

We continued through the desert region, finding nothing of real interest unitl rounding a corner and coming across an oasis. Henderson, or the high end residential area of it. We hit the first gas we could find and decided, as it was such a short day that we'd do a quick trip to see Hoover dam.

That's a big place, and when they finish that bypass road and bridge it'll be even granderer. By now temp gauges were in the 38 range so we b-lined it for Pahrump. Of course we had to endure another 1/2 hour of freeway before finally heading out the 45 mile stretch. Long, hot and boring we counted down the miles. Even hitting the outskirts, it was heaven to finally see the Best Western sign. This is a small, gambling, retirement town that has some potential for growth.

Checked in, then went for gas and beer. Upon returning we noticed a blast from our past sitting i the lot. The General Lee - or a distant relative. They rebuilt her from scratch and still have more to do, but it was a great site none the less. They were nice enough to allow me to try the classic Bo & Luke entry. Ya, no - not even if it was mine. Finally it was pool time. A few beers and dips and the heat was stayed. Dinner in the casino / lounge as it was Karaoke & Ladies night - just not our scene. Off to sleep soon as we've got 329 miles through Death Valley tomorrow.
Until then.
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