As we continued through Fry Canyon the valleys again opened and closed. It was desolate. Darren spotted a great spot for a quick break and a photo op, just after I saw Jacob's Chair (a massive Butte in the distance). We took some shots and rehydrated, knowing that breakfast was still hours away. It was tuff to keep going, as it's tough to keep writing as every long distance turn brought another incredible photo opp. We agreed, "okay, no more stopping" but each time we did we all agreed it was worth it. Just more and more!

Fueled and fed we pushed through some basic areas, then came across a slow moving herd of Harely riders. Support vehicle in the back was full of luggage, we contined to pass as the leader flew a French flag. "Oh, I see. A harley tour through the Utah country side". I'm sure they saw us go by and thought, "look, real bikers and they carry their own gear".
We hit the turn off at Torrey, and it was an unwelcome moment. Darren would turn off here and head his way back North for his 2100 km trip back to Saskatoon. Man it sucks loosing a good traveling buddy, especially one who helped arrange the whole reason. A good solid hug and we were off in our own directions.
Jeff & I continued to press on to St. George, passing through monster rain (hurt like being shot with pellets), over the Boulder Mtn Park, then down the other side where the heat came again, drying us out and warming us back up. On through Capital Reef park, for a mix of canyons, valley, passes and ranges. Through Bryce Canyon NP with it's contrasting orange cliffs, green pines and blues skies. Absolutely no photo retouching needed. Then on to Zion. Zion was cool ($12 ea to go) and we knew it would be full of images, so off came the gloves and the camera went around the neck. Park speed was 30, which you can't exceed due to winding roads, so we road and clicked all the way. At the end of the park it was tourist central with Zion this and Zion that. We wanted out and wanted a room with a pool. We came out and finally hit Washington, UT, with brand new 6 lane black top all the way in. Watched the GPS count down the miles & time to arrival (7,6,5,4,3,2,1!). Checked in, dropped the gear, got gas, got beer, got changed and splashed down.
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