After a stop at one view point, getting a good look at the S part of the lake, we ditched the gloves and decided to take our time and keep the cameras at the ready. A steady pace of small towns with ski shops, bike rentals, camp grounds, cabins, view points, bicyclists and campers kept our attention on break lights and quick turners (alot of malfunctioning signal lights here as most people DON'T SIGNAL).

There are many times when I curse having my large camera bag on my back the entire time, but then, there are times when having the lenses and remote trigger that allows me to actually document that we were here. Yes, there are usually a ton of people who either ask or offer to have or take a picture, but sometimes, some moments there is no one around.
This was great moment in time, to just chill for a few minutes where Jeff & I reflected on the desert valleys, mesas, mountains and everything in between to appreciate the beauty of Lake Tahoe. Definitly a place to drive through, especially seeing some of the multi-million $$ homes in the 5000 sqft range. I even witnessed a realtor putting out her open house sign around noon on Sunday. Thinking about a quick stop to check it out the thought passed quicker than a mile under our route.
Glancing down, it's now 20 miles to Carson City and a well deserved break. Even though we booked online for reduced rates, we quickly learned that there are a ton of cheap hotels in Carson City. We should have booked across the street at the Plaza Motel, which offered no casino, a pool, wi-fi, laundry and $49/weeknights. Lesson learned. Tomorrow will be casual. Maybe I'll post a pic of the view from our room, but that's about it.
Planning begins for the next 4 day stretch, which will be some 300+ mile days to reach Newport in a decent amount of time to hook up with Keith & Jaylene, then up to Tim's in Vancouver, WA for a much needed oil change. Talk to you again soon.
Just a little note, we've covered over 5000 miles so far, with around another 2000+ to come. I picked up a map of the Western US which will allow me to detail the whole thing. That will have to wait until I get home, but if you are ever thinking of traveling through these states, I'd be happy to share some suggestions. But wait, I'm not done yet. Time for a nap I think.
Hey Bro. Envious is an under statement. Tahoe is really nice eh. Bin there seen it looking out of the front window of my tour bus.