When waking, the bikes were still there and all the dog show people, trucks and dogs were magically gone. Again, being a little lazy and sluggish we headed out to meet up with Keith in Monroe for coffee at 9:30 (8:45 departure for us). It was a quick little jaunt on the side highway and not 15 min. out of town a familiar set of headlights flashed us and flagged us down. A warm welcome from our guide to the coast, we stopped for a quick plan discussion - what discussion - we're happy to follow you where ever you may lead.

First order of business was a trip up Mary's Peak both for the view and a visit to Rich's stone marker. The view from the top was clear for the most part but the distant clouds made it a little more challengning to pick out Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Hood. It was quite a trip back in time as I recalled this road from the PNW meet in Newport 3 years earlier.

Heading back down, we touched through a short twisty section that the boys just had to go back and do again. Though short, they were high banking angle induced corners that really tested your skill. There were several others doing the same thing. I decided to wait, taking a break to eat some fresh, wild black berries growing road side and take a few pics of the joy that was obvious even through the helmet.

Heading into Corvalis we stopped for a bite of lunch before catching the 20 and some back roads heading for Keith's place. Like stepping through time, the roads were sweeping, tight twisties and laid out before us with a mix of sun drenched fields and mistical, tight hidden areas that are again, Disney in nature. Again, it reminded me of the meet from 2006 only clearer (no fog) and much better roads (new pavement).

Hitting the coast we stopped briefly for a photo op, just happening to catch a couple from Kelowna who were touring the coast in a large motorhome. Another 10 mintues down a cool little one way road, with more stunning views were arrived at Keith's, making for another full day of riding (no days off here).
We headed to a great little place called AAR Place for dinner, celebrating Jalene's birthday and the hospitality of our bed for the night. In the morning we'll be off to see Tim in Vancouver, WA - due to be another short but wet day - with an oil change. It'll be time to dawn the rain gear and take some time, so don't expect too many great photos (unless the rain breaks! wish for us!).
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